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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition#

Also known as: TES 5

The notoriously broken Bethesda release. Thankfully, mods can fix this mess once again. Bless the PC modding community.

Game Settings#

Use Bethini Pie for configuration - it has nice and optimized presets aswell as more options to configure your game.


  • A mod manager. I use Mod Organizer 2. You don't completely need one, though - you can stick with just LOOT.
    • I do not provide installation instructions for most mods for one simple reason - you simply just press the "Install with mod manager" for most of them.


About the 'Anniversary Edition' and 'Special Edition'

You may have noticed mods point them out as different things, and you can assume that the thing sold on Steam/GOG is reflecting that aswell. It does not.

The "Anniversary Edition" is the latest build of the game, you get it independently of which edition you bought. Also called as the 1.6 version of the game.

The "Special Edition" is the old build of the game that is no longer supplied officially. You can downgrade it if some mod requires specifically the old Special Edition build. Otherwise, stick to the "Anniversary Edition" versions of the mods. Also called as the 1.5 version of the game.

Remember to Sort the mods after installing them. Mod Organizer 2 uses LOOT to do it.

Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)#

You need this for most mods.


  • Go to the website.
  • Download the "Current Anniversary Edition build".
  • If not using a mod manager, just drop everything from the skse64... folder into the game folder.
  • If you do, only drop in the .exe, .dll folders. In the mod manager, only install the Data folder.

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP#

Large and simple-to-install patch that aims to fix all bugs present in the game.

Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures#

Fixes a bunch of visual issues with the textures. Improves performance as a side effect.

Skyrim Project Optimization SE#

Improves performance in almost all interiors in the game by using occlusion culling.

Unofficial High Definition Audio Project#

Provides much higher resolution audio. Recommended to use with Binaural 3D Surround Sound and other audio mods you prefer.

SSE Engine Fixes#

Fixes a couple of engine-related bugs that USSEP can't address.

SSE Display Tweaks#

Solves most display-related, physics-relates, fps-related issues.

Keyboard Shortcuts Fix#

Fixes the keyboard shortcuts, such as Alt+F4, that the game doesn't work with. Somehow.
