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Welcome to Gillian's Modlists website.

This website is more or less a personal collection of mods and tools I use for each game I play, so don't expect anything high-effort. Still, you may like the modpacks I end up making in the end - feel free to check out.

How do I navigate the website to find a game I need?

Use the search, which you can find in top left of the screen. I made sure it only results the games alone.

This guide is not affiliated with any company or organization. Following the steps in this guide may violate the End User License Agreement (EULA) of the software you are using. If you contact their support, they may refuse to help you because of the EULA violation. I am not the author of any of the following modifications, so any bugs/crashes/errors should be reported to the developers themselves.

Discord Server#

Got some questions? Found another great mod worth mentioning? Found an issue with the website? Just want to chat with other people? Visit my Discord server! It's mostly oriented at GTA IV users, but I'll try organizing it for people who use this guide aswell.

My Discord server

All the people and resources I want to mention separately for their massive contributions to modding.


For their work on Widescreen Fixes and Fusion Mods. They contributed a lot over the years to making old, aswell as some modern, games playable on modern hardware, and I can't thank them enough. If you also want to thank them, you can do so by donating to them:

Note: ThirteenAG is a resident of Russia, so he may not be able to accept the non-Boosty donations at the moment. They shouldn't just vanish if you so desire to send it, but he may not be able to receive it either. I have no 100% confirmation on this - contact me if I'm wrong.

Note 2: Boosty is a Russian company.

Patreon Ko-Fi PayPal Boosty

DXVK Contributors#

DXVK wouldn't be as great as it is currently without all these people! That tool saves an amount of old games, especially DirectX 9 ones, aswell as heavily contributing to gaming on Linux made possible.

PCGW Community#

Huge thanks to the PCGW Community for their contributions to the wiki, which helped me discover a lot of tools and mods I wouldn't know of otherwise.

Mod Creators#

Their names are already listed next to their contributions, they have done a lot too! I really respect all the modders whose mods I've listed - and if I haven't listed your mod that you think fits into my lists, contact me!


Don't have to say much here, do I? I'd prefer if you sent donations to other contributors, but I would be ultimately happy if you sent me a tip for all the time I spent making this website and everything else I'm associated with. I've been working on it passionately for a while, and I'm still going to update it actively as long as there's things to update. Also, keep in mind that hosting the website takes absolutely no money at the moment thanks to GitHub, aswell as the fact it doesn't make me any money as I don't have any ads. You can buy me a lot, actually. A dollar can buy me two little coffee cups :D. Note: I can't set up any other payment methods at the moment. This would send the tip directly to my debit.


Special Thanks#

  • Kreato for his help to set up my old GTA IV guide which helped setting this one up aswell - check out his stuff if you like Linux tinkering.
  • Material for MkDocs for providing this great environment for writing a guide.
  • GitHub Pages for providing a free hosting and domain, allowing the site to be hosted completely free and not require any ads or donations.

And everyone else!#

Everyone else who helped me set up this website, motivated me to keep going or even just shared this website to your friends - thank you!

If you think you should be listed separately, contact me!